
NewsAptima’s Sylvain Bruni Receives 2022 AHFE Best Paper Award for Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

Aptima’s Sylvain Bruni Receives 2022 AHFE Best Paper Award for Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

‘PATI’ approach identifies and prioritizes the insertion of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automated algorithms into complex systems

Aptima congratulates Principal Human Systems Engineer Sylvain Bruni on receiving the 2022 Best Paper Award for Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship at the 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) Conference (New York, NY, July 24-28, 2022).

The award recognized Bruni’s paper entitled, “Introducing PATI: The Pareto Analysis for Technology Insertion – A Human-Centered Methodology to Identify and Prioritize Innovation in Complex Systems.”

ABSTRACT: The commoditization of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) algorithms, and automated agents (AA) affords innovators and entrepreneurs myriad opportunities for the creative pursuit of new business endeavors. This abundance is, however, overwhelming, and no adequate methodology currently exists to identify and select what technologies to insert into existing systems or processes to create value. In particular, there is a lack of techniques that drive such decision-making towards desireability and utilization, two critical factors that entrepreneurs and innovators must diligently consider in their efforts. To bridge this gap, we propose the simple, human-centered “pareto* analysis for technology insertion,” or PATI, as an approach to identify and prioritize the insertion of AI, ML, or AA into complex systems. Through the application of PATI to the use case of aircraft maintenance, we demonstrate how this straightforward methodology yields artifacts that are both useful and comprehensive for most stakeholders in the innovation entrepreneurship ecosystem, thereby accelerating and making more resilient their creative pursuits.

For more information about PATI or to receive a courtesy copy of the paper, please contact

* Named after Italian economist and engineer Vilfredo Pareto, the concept of Pareto efficiency is employed in the domain of multi-objective optimization, whereby competing solutions to a problem are compared along multiple dimensions and the set of “best” solutions (a.k.a. “Pareto front”) are those for which no individual dimension can be further optimized unless at the cost of a reduction in efficiency elsewhere (Lockwood, 2008).


Lockwood, B. (2008). The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics (2nd ed.). London: Palgrave Macmillan.